It is almost time for LilKelly.com to open. You won’t believe your eyes when you set them on this hottie. Until then there is Lil Maya. Another super cute barely legal teen!
A buddy of mine back in school had a sister that was the spitting image of Lil Maya. I used to jack off to this chick every fucking night. She was super sexy in that she teased me all of the fucking time.
For instance, the first time I went to his house he jumped in the shower. She called me from her room and when I pop in… She is sitting cross-legged on the bed wearing only a flimsy top and cotton print panties! My cock just about shot out of my pants!
Her feet were covered in really fluffy bootie socks and she held them up in the air towards me. My version of Lil Maya wanted to know if I thought they looked super soft or not. I was doing all I could to keep myself from staring at her crotch and I was having a very hard time. Pun intended!
My answer was something like, "Sure…," but that wouldn’t do for her. She asked me to come over to the edge of her bed and feeeeel them.
I did as instructed hoping my cock would stay at half-mast and not make me look like a pervert. She leaned back on her elbows and jutted her feet in my face.
She commanded me to feel them. I lightly touched them and she frowned. Then she told me to caress them. Like I was massaging her feet or something. I did as told and my cock grew to about 65%!
"Are they soft?" She asked.
"Very." I said.
"Very what?" She asked.
"They are very soft. Your socks. They are indeed very soft." I clarified.
By now my cock had moved on up to 80% and I was hoping her super high bed would hide it from her view, but it didn’t matter. She sent a foot down to investigate the lump in my pants. When her foot hit my now rock hard cock she went, "Humphh."
"I guess they are you little pervert!" She exclaimed and brought her feet back as she again sat up Indian style. Next she grabbed one of her gossip magazines and held it in such a way that I couldn’t see her panties anymore.
She looked up at me and asked if I wanted something else. I didn’t know what to say and she pointed to her door as if the show was over.
I quickly made an about face and walked out of her room. After standing in the hallway for half a minute I made the decision to head on over to my house and reminisce on my encounter with the craziest, sexiest girl I had ever met.
You can reminisce about your own sexual encounters and even make a few up if you want when you have a Free Teenie Pass. With one password you get unrestricted access to over 20 sites. Most of them are populated by solo models like the soon to be released Lil Kelly and the crazy, sexy, cool Lil Maya.
So what are you waiting for?